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Yoco Business Portal: User Guide
Updated over a week ago

We’ve recently released a new (and improved) Yoco Web App to replace the Yoco Business Portal. If you haven’t yet made the switch, you can still find details on using the original Yoco Business Portal below...

To join the future with us, find out about the new Yoco Web App here.

We created the Yoco Business Portal, to give you easy-to-understand business intelligence in a central place, that makes your life a little easier.

Getting Started

Log in

First, head to the login page to log in to your online Business Portal. Your login details are the ones you created when you signed up with Yoco.

Customise your Yoco receipts

Make your receipts your own by adding your contact details, slogan, trading hours, social media handles, logo, and more - here's how:

Step 1: Update your business details

Log in to your Business Portal and select Business Settings. Here, you can edit or update your trading name, VAT number, default VAT % charge, phone number, and trading address.

Step 2: Polish your professional receipts

Find and select Receipt Configuration on the left hand menu.

Customise receipt 1.jpeg

Receipt details:

You can customise and use whichever of these options suits your needs - they're all optional extras to help you take advantage of the free advertising space and professional edge.

  1. Upload your logo in any image format from your device, and make sure it's displayed properly.

  2. Choose your Receipt Type (Receipt or Tax Invoice) - Both will still show a VAT breakdown, but will have different headings.

  3. Add your Company Slogan - usually just one short sentence to describe your business' essence. It could also be your name, or anything else that you'd like to tell your customers in a short line.

  4. Enter a Receipt Footer - this can be absolutely anything and you have a little more room to work with: from opening hours, delivery details, latest specials and discounts, to extra contact details. You can update this as often as you like!

  5. Show your phone number? Choose whether or not you'd like your profile phone number to be shown on your receipts. It's automatically turned on, so if you don't want this, just click on the green toggle button.

    Yoco Neo Touch Get Ready To Sell Show Your Number

  6. Social Media Handles: Add your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram handles to boost your social traffic.

Step 3: Preview your receipt

Make sure you're happy by taking a look at the final product!

Now that your receipt is customised, and looking pretty good, it's time to start sending them out to customers!

Managing Sales

View your Sales History

You can see all your business's combined Yoco sales and manage your sales further from your sales history.

You can see the same summary of your sales history here.

You'll get a breakdown of your sales by day (and time), with a summary of total sales and tips for each day.

Struggling? If you're struggling to load or view your sales history, it could mean that your connectivity is spotty. Make sure the device you're using to access the Business Portal is connected to a stable network or WiFi.

Get more sales details

Tap or click on a sale from your History to see these details here:

  • The date and time the sale took place.

  • The payment status.

  • The subtotal, VAT and total (incl. tax) amounts charged.

  • The tip amount added (if any).

  • The note added (if any).

  • The payment method (cash or card).

Search for a specific sale

If you're struggling to spot the sale you're looking for just by scrolling through your Sales History, no sweat - we've got you covered with all the filters you could need to zero in on it.

You can search for a sale by date, amount, receipt number, bill number, or sales note details here.

Here, you can also filter your search by payment type, payment status, device (which card machine the sale was made on), and date (range).

Add a sales note

Tap or click on a sale from your History to add a note here:

  1. From the sale details, tap "Add note".

  2. Enter anything you want to remember about this sale in the pop-up box.

  3. Press "Save note".

Re-send a receipt

Tap or click on a sale from your History to re-send a receipt here:

  1. From your sales details on the Yoco POS App, tap "Send receipt".

  2. Enter your customer's email address or phone number.

  3. Select "Send receipt" and a success message will show when completed.

Process a refund

Tap or click on a sale from your History to process a refund here:

  1. From your sales details in the Business Portal, press "Refund".

  2. Enter the email address or mobile number of the customer you're refunding - they'll get a notification too.

  3. Choose a reason for the refund, for your own reference.

  4. Press "Refund" only when you're ready to process - you can't undo this later.

Find out more about how refunds work here.

Track your payouts​

You can view and download all your monthly invoices and payout reports from the Portal here.

From here, you can see your next payout balance, and view all your payouts by date.

We'll also email you a monthly statement with all your payouts, fees, and transactions recorded for your reports and reference.

Struggling? If you're struggling to send a receipt or process a refund, it could mean that your connectivity is spotty. Make sure the device you're using to access the Business Portal is connected to a stable network or WiFi.

Custom payment methods

Custom payment methods allow your business to keep track of the multiple ways to pay for goods, products or services. Whether you accept EFTs, SnapScan or Gift Vouchers, you can add these payment methods to bring better control to the money moving through your business.

IMPORTANT: Only the default Card payment method will process card transactions with your Yoco card reader. Any custom payment methods won't be authorised and processed through Yoco, but rather just recorded in your Yoco app sales history.

How to set up custom payment methods

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Business Settings

  3. Select Point of Sale

  4. Scroll down to Custom Payment Methods

  5. Select Add Payment Method

  6. Enter a name for your custom payment method, and choose an icon.

  7. Select Add to add your custom payment method

Please note that adding a custom payment method is purely there to keep a record of these types of sales. When making a sale and selecting any of your custom payment methods (e.g. SnapScan from the example above), the payment won't be processed or authorised through Yoco or any other platform, but rather a record of this sale will be created and available in your sales history.

How to edit custom payment methods

Once you've set up all your custom payment methods, you can easily edit them, or even delete them.

Here's how:

  1. Log in to the Business Portal

  2. Select Menu, from the navigation bar at the bottom

  3. Select Settings

  4. Select Point of Sale

  5. Scroll down to Custom payment methods, and select the payment method that you'd like to edit.

  6. Make your edits (Icon and Name), and then select Save.

  7. If you'd like to delete a payment method, select Delete, and then again Delete on the pop-up.

Business Portal Reporting

Get the most value from the Yoco Business Portal's powerful reporting, to drive key business insights that help you work smarter not harder, and grow faster!

Dashboard insights

Balance: Your balance includes all the Yoco card payments you've made (minus fees and any refunds, reversals and capital repayments (if applicable) since the last time a payout was processed for your profile. Find out more here.

Recent transactions: Get a quick snapshot of your recent sales, and click on "View History" for more details.

Sales performance

Yesterday: Shows yesterday's sales compared to the day before.

Today: Shows today's sales compared to yesterday.

Together, these give you instant feedback on the immediate health of your sales and can help you spot the beginning of an up or downturn, fast.

Last 7 days: Compares the total sales of the last 7 days (including today), with the previous 7 days.

How are things looking this week? Can any difference in performance from last week be explained by something like pay-day week or a school holiday? Perhaps you tried something new or launched a special?

Last 30 days: Compares the total sales of the last 30 days (including today), with the previous 30 days.

Looking at a slightly longer view of your performance, can you spot any larger currents? Was there a change of seasons? Many public holidays? Have you been more active online or started advertising?

Quick facts

Total sales: This shows how many customers you served (more or less) over each time period. It's a good indicator for how 'busy' you were.

* If it's too low, you may want to look into boosting your marketing to attract more widely.

Average sale amount: This tells you how much your customers are buying (often called 'basket size'). It's a good indicator for how much your customers tend to spend.

* If it's low, think of ways to increase the average 'basket' - can you offer tantalising add-ons, complementary products/services, or increase some prices?

Transaction graph: Hover your mouse over the graph line to see the sales totals for each hour or day.

* Can you spot common busy or slow times of the day or week? To keep growing your business, how can you focus on increasing the average sale amount (buy more) during your busier times, and increasing the number of sales (more customers) during your slower times?

Using your sales reports

The Portal Payments tab shows your total 'Sales' for the dates you've selected, by payment type (card, cash, or refund).

For each payment type, you'll also get:

  • The 'Count' - how many sales were completed with that payment type.

  • The 'Total' - total sales, less total refunds for that payment type.

  • The Yoco 'Fees' - total you've been charged for that payment type.

  • The 'Net' amount - your 'Total' minus your 'Fees', which is what you'll get paid out

  • Products, Staff, Categories, and Brands related to each payment.

Using your payout reports

From the Portal Payouts tab, you'll see your payouts for the date range you've selected. Click on the calendar icon to choose which dates you'd like to look at.

💡 Click on a payout to view or export your reports, anytime.

Exporting your reports

If you need to send copies of your reports to your accountant or bookkeeper, or want to download them into a format you can use with other business management software, it's seamless and instant from the Yoco Business Portal.

Download your reports

  1. Go to your sales or payouts reports on the Yoco Business Portal.

  2. Select the dates you want included in your report.

  3. Click on "Export".

  4. Allow access to your downloads folder.

Open your reports in Excel

  1. From Excel, select "File" then "Import".

  2. Select "CSV. file" and click "Import".

  3. Select "Delimited" (not "Free width") and hit "Next".

  4. Select "Tab", "Semicolon", and "Comma" and hit "Finish".

  5. If you're asked where to open this document, click on "New Sheet".

Managing your Yoco profile

Buy another card machine

🚀 Sales picking up and it's time to take another step in your business growth?

You can link as many Yoco card machines to your business profile as you like. You can also purchase a mix of different Yoco machines, according to what suits your business best.

You can buy more card machines from the Business Portal here.

Pick your new baby, and we'll deliver it for free, already linked to your profile in 2-3 days.

Getting your card machine somewhere else?

If you get a card machine from another shop or outlet, it won't be automatically linked to your profile. Here's how to get started and selling:

👉 When you switch on your new Yoco card machine, log in using your Yoco profile details. This should automatically add the card machine to your profile.

🛠 You can also manually link your new card machine to your profile from the Yoco Business Portal here, by pressing 'Add Card Machine' and entering the serial number (on the back of the card machine).

🎁 If you're getting your card machine second hand from another business, you'll need to make sure that it has been removed from the previous owner's profile. They can do this in their Yoco Business Portal here, by pressing 'Remove' next to the card machine they're handing over to you. We'll have to first contact the previous owner to confirm the transfer, and then you'll be able to link it with can your profile.

Your notifications

Keeping you clued in on everything going on with Yoco and your business is always our top priority!

1. Monthly Statement/Invoice: We'll email you a monthly statement with all your payouts, fees, transactions and Capital repayments recorded for your reports and reference. You can view and download all your monthly invoices from the Portal here.

2. Sales Reports: Get a regular summary of all your Yoco transactions for easy reference and recon. You can choose whether you want to receive them daily, weekly or monthly here.

3. Payment Notifications for Online Payments: Every time a Yoco Link, Gateway, Voucher, Payments Page or Invoice payment is made, you'll get notified via email.

4. Capital Offer Notifications: See if you have a Yoco Capital offer here. If you haven't been given a Capital Offer, select the "Let me know" button on your Capital page, and we'll call you as soon as you qualify for an offer.

5. Low stock alerts! Set up stock alerts when your inventory drops below a pre-set level, based on your needs. Check it out here.

Your password settings

Reset your password

If you're struggling to log in to your profile, no stress, we've got you covered!

  1. Tap 'Forgot password?' when logging into the Business Portal.

  2. Enter the email address or mobile number linked to your Yoco profile.

  3. Then press 'Reset my password'.

  4. Check your email or SMS inbox for a message from Yoco, open it and click on 'Reset here'.

  5. Once it opens in your browser, enter and confirm your new password, and then click 'Submit'.

Congrats! You can now log in again, with your new password. 🙌

Change your password

You can change your password from the Business Portal here:

  1. Enter your current/old password, and your new password, and then confirm it.

  2. Tap 'Save' and we'll confirm your password reset.

Manage your profile card machines

View the card machines linked to your profile

You can see all the card machines linked to your Yoco profile in the Business Portal here.

Remove a card machine from your profile

If you want to remove a card machine from your Yoco profile - either because you're not using it anymore, it's been replaced, or you'd like to give/sell it to somebody else - you can do this in the Yoco Business Portal here .

Press 'Remove' next to the card machine you want to remove - make sure to double check that it's the correct serial number. We'll contact you to confirm.

Change your basic profile information

You can change your basic profile details - like your trading name, phone number, business VAT number, and tax settings - from the Business Portal here.

💡Your basic information is what is shown on your free receipts.​

👀 This telephone number does not have to be the same mobile number linked to your Yoco profile, and you can choose whichever line is the most convenient to share with your customers.

Change your trading address

🏡 We have to record your trading address to comply with financial safety regulations. You can edit your trading address from the Business Portal here.

Change your bank details

Hit the "Change bank details" button in the Business Portal here to edit your bank account details for payouts.

Note: The bank account you use must be South African and transactional. You may need to submit proof of bank with a Bank Letter (or other verification), if requested by our team. We'll run standard industry checks to verify the bank account before we can use it for your payouts.

🙋 For a self-employed person/ sole trader: You must own the bank account. No proof needed.

🏪 For a Private Company (Pty) Ltd: You must be one of the Directors, and the bank account must be in the name of the registered company (with the same CIPC number). No proof needed.

💒 For all other types of businesses, check out our verification checklist for more details here.

Change your Yoco profile contact details

The phone number and email address linked to your Yoco Profile are there to keep your details and business information safe. They also serve as a way for us to contact you with important or sensitive notifications and updates about your profile and/or payments.

🔒 Because these details are used for your profile security, we'll always authenticate this step by sending you an SMS confirmation link to your currently linked phone number. Only once you click on this link will we save the changes you requested.

You can edit your profile contact details from the Business Portal here.

Change the business owner details on your Yoco profile

If you want to change your Yoco profile ownership details, we'll need to first verify the new owner's personal and business details. This may mean starting the onboarding process from scratch. Either way, only a human from Yoco Support can help you with transferring your profile to a new owner.

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