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Yoco Invoices: Setup Guide

Get started and ready to send your first professional Invoice with Yoco.

Updated over 6 months ago

There’s a new Yoco POS App, and an updated Yoco Mobile App to better run and manage your sales and business with Yoco! 🎉

If you're considering using the Yoco POS, you can now download the new POS App for free to streamline your sales. The Yoco Mobile/Web App is still where you can manage your Yoco profile, products, staff, and settings - and take your business to the next level with Yoco's online payments!

You can create invoices from the Yoco Mobile App on your mobile phone/tablet, or from the Yoco Web App on your laptop/computer (or any device with a web browser).

There are a couple of things to take note of before you embark on sending your first Yoco Invoice.

Set up your Yoco Invoices

Step 1: Confirm your business details

The basic business settings which you've set up in your Yoco profile business profile will be used on your Yoco Invoices. This includes your VAT number, logo, trading name, trading address, email and phone number.

To change any information which appears on an Invoice, you'll need to navigate to your business profile, and then to your basic business settings to make the relevant changes.

For more on how to update your basic business details, check out this guide.

Step 2: Customise your Invoices settings

The settings available to you for Invoices specifically, can be found by navigating to the Sales tab and clicking on the Invoices tile.

This will navigate you to your Invoices home page, where you'll see all your Draft Invoices, Overdue Invoices and Sent Invoices. Click on any of these tiles to get more details.

Below, you'll see your Invoice Settings. Click the Edit button, and a settings screen will open, presenting you with the following options:

  • A toggle to include or exclude your business banking details (which are located in your business profile settings).

  • Add a due date to the invoice if you like

  • Add any relevant terms and conditions you wish to present to your customer in the invoice.

Remember to click the Save button before navigating away from this screen.

Step 3: Add your Customers

Each time you send a Yoco Invoice to a new customer, we’ll automatically save their invoicing details for future convenience.

Manage your Customers List

You can view, add, or edit all your Customers in the Yoco Mobile/Web App here - go to the Manage tab in the left hand menu, and select the Customers tile.

Here, you'll be presented with a list of all your previously saved customers.

Add a new Customer

You can easily save a new customer's details by selecting the + New customer button at the top right of the screen.

💡 Note: When adding a new customer, you must add at least their phone number or their email address to proceed (you can add both to make your customer database more rich and useful over time). You can also optionally add their physical address, company name or VAT number at this stage.

Complete the process by clicking the Add customer button at the bottom of this screen.

Edit a Customer's details

To edit the details of an existing customer, select the customer you wish to edit and a new screen will open, showing you the customer’s information.

Click the pencil icon in the top right corner of this screen and you'll be able to edit the following information:

  • Customer name

  • Contact details (phone number and email)

  • Physical address

  • Company name

  • Vat number

💡 You can also delete a customer from this screen by clicking on the Delete customer button with the red trashcan icon, at the bottom of the screen.

Find out more about saving and using your Customers List with Yoco here.

Step 4: Add your Products

To create your Yoco Invoices, you’ll need to add products to the bill first. It's quick and easy to add simple products on-the-go. For more complex types of catalogues and selling scenarios, we have several customisable features and settings.

Adding basic Products

  1. Log in to the Yoco Mobile/Web App, and navigate to your Manage tab where you can select the Products tile/widget.

  2. Click/Tap on the + New product button to complete the details of a new product for your catalogue.

  3. Add a product name and price, as well as an optional default cost price (for better profit tracking and reports) and product description.

  4. Set up how this product will appear on the rest of your Yoco Apps (and POS) but configuring the thumbnail with colour, name and/or icon/image by selecting Product thumbnail.

  5. Assign this product to an existing category, by selecting the category widget and then choosing from your list of categories.

  6. Assign this product to an existing brand, by selecting the brand widget and then choosing from your list of brands.

  7. Choose your tax settings for the product, by either leaving it at the default tax set for your business (either including or excluding VAT, depending on whether you're registered as a VAT vendor with SARS), or manually setting as a tax-free (0%) or VAT (15%) inclusive item.

  8. Make sure to hit the Save button before exiting the screen.

Find out more about adding Brands and Categories here.

Adding complex/advanced Products

In most cases, creating products can be quick and easy. But for certain kinds of goods/services, it may be necessary to use some more advanced features:

Set Product variants

Using variants allows you to sell more than one type of the same product, and gives you a variety of ways to customise how you set up your products to suit your selling needs.

When adding or editing a product, you'll have the option to add a variant in the product details page:

When you click on the variants tile/widget, you'll have the option to create new attributes to your products. You can think of an attribute as a way to describe the product. Click on the Add an attribute + tile/widget, to get started.

Attributes are usually pretty specific to the type of product you're working with, but a classic example is the attribute of size, which could be small (S), medium (M), large (L), or extra large (XL).

Once you've added an attribute, you'll need to set up each attribute variant with its own price by selecting them from the list of variant attributes.

Here, you can also set variants to 'unavailable' when needed by switching off the Available toggle.

Should you need to add more than one attribute to a product, you can do so by selecting the Add an attribute + tile/widget and following the same steps to create another attribute for the same product. This could be another way of describing the same product, like for example the different available colours.

Once there is more than one attribute to your product, it multiplies the number of different individual variants you'll need to set up and manage. So, in the above example, where we had both size and colour, you'd need to enter a price for each size and colour combination.

However much this is a lengthy task, it's well worth the time investment when you have a slick, smooth products checkout with seamless product sales and stock reporting, live.

Set up stock tracking

Choose whether you'd like to enable stock tracking for this product, either by product or variant total, which means you'll need to enter the product code (or use an automatically generated one instead), the initial stock count and when you'd like to receive low stock alerts.

Find out more about using stock tracking with Yoco here.

Enable advanced selling features

You can specify the default quantity and units for the product, and choose whether you'd like to ask for the quantity at checkout and/or ask for the price at checkout.

Find out more about using advanced Products here.

Adding a service as your Product

If you’re invoicing your customers for services, here’s how to create a customised products catalogue to suit your needs.

  1. Add a new product.

  2. For a service, you can state the price per hour (and don’t need to enter a default cost price, unless you’d like to).

  3. Once you’ve chosen your service’s display icon/thumbnail and added it to any existing brands/categories you’ve created (if you like), it’s time to add variants. This is where things get a little trickier:

  4. You can easily use Time as a variant, to be able to select how long the service delivery took - depending on your business needs, you can break these time variants up however you like.

  5. If your service charge isn’t only a factor of the time spent, but you have other fundamental differences like package type or specification, you can also add them here.

  6. Now, you’ll see both variants in your product description.

  7. Manage your variants, by selecting each one from the list and setting the variable’s price - you can also make variants unavailable or available from here.

  8. When it comes to specifying your Quantity and units, the best way to do this for a service is to make the Default quantity 1 hour.

  9. Once saved, you’ll be able to see your service’s description, price and variants from the product details page.

  10. Now it’s time to add this product to an invoice: Select New invoice and populate the form that appears.

  11. Select your service from the product list to add to the invoice bill.

  12. Select the variant(s) to add to the bill.

  13. You’ll see your service clearly displayed on the invoice, where you can manage the invoice details further as per usual.

Now that you're all set up, check out how to send your Invoices here.

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