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Yoco Invoices: User Guide
Updated over a week ago

We’ve recently released a new (and improved) Yoco Web App to replace the Yoco Business Portal. If you haven’t yet made the switch, you can still find details on using the original Yoco Business Portal below...

To join the future with us, find out about the new Yoco Web App here.

Getting paid with Yoco Invoices

How do I create an Invoice?

You can create invoices from the Yoco POS App on your mobile phone or tablet, or from the Yoco Business Portal from your laptop/computer (or any device with a web browser).

How to send Invoices from the Yoco POS App:

  1. Open your Yoco POS App on your mobile phone or tablet.

  2. Go to the ‘Send’ tab and select ‘Invoices’.

  3. Here you’ll create your invoice, by entering the customer’s details, the relevant line items, and the due date — you’ll also have the option to enter a message to your customer.

  4. Click on ‘Preview Invoice’ and send via SMS or email.

How to send Invoices from the Yoco Business Portal:

  1. Sign in to the Yoco Business Portal here.

  2. On the left menu, you can navigate to and click on Invoices.

    Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 16.54.20.png

  3. On the dashboard, top right section, click on ‘New Invoice’.

  4. Now create your invoice, by entering the customer’s details, the relevant line items, and the due date — you’ll also have the option to enter a message to your customer.

  5. Click on ‘Preview Invoice’ and send via SMS or email.

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 16.54.34.png

Setting up your Yoco Invoices

How do I customise my Yoco Invoices?

Your business details are displayed on your Yoco Invoices (as per South African law). To edit or update:

  1. Log in to the Business Portal and go to your ‘Business Settings’ page - or click on this link.

  2. Here, you can add or edit your:

    1. Trading name (If you’re a sole proprietor or individual, your name will be displayed on the Invoice as well as ‘t/a’ followed by this trading name.)

    2. VAT number (Only if you’re a registered VAT vendor, otherwise leave this blank.)

    3. Default VAT (If you’re registered as a VAT vendor, make sure this is set to 15%, otherwise leave it at zero.)

    4. Telephone number for the business.

How do I add my logo to my Invoices?

You’ll set this up the first time you use Yoco Invoices. After that, click on the ‘Send’ tab, select ‘Invoices’ and click on the settings icon, in the top right corner. Select an image less than 5MB, and click ‘Save’.


What format does my logo need to be in?

The logo can be in any format that your mobile device recognises as an image. All images must be less than 5MB.

What will the Invoice look like?

New Invoices.png

Your Invoice will display:

  1. Your logo (if you’ve uploaded one).

  2. Your business trading name - For individuals/sole proprietors, we’ll display your name, followed by ‘t/a’ and your business name (a legal requirement in South Africa).

  3. Your trading address.

  4. Your business phone number.

  5. Your business email address (the same one you use to log in to Yoco).

  6. The date on which the Invoice was created.

  7. The payment due date.

  8. The Invoice number (for your reference)

  9. ‘Bill to’ — your customers/the recipients’ details (customer name, phone number and/or email address).

  10. Your banking details (the same account that’s used for your Yoco payouts: bank name, account number, account type, and branch code).

  11. The list of items on the bill, with a breakdown of their description, unit price (including VAT if applicable), quantity and total.

  12. A breakdown of the sub-total, any discounts applied, the total and the VAT total amount.

  13. A payment link and QR code.

How do I save my customers’ details for repeat invoicing?

Each time you send a Yoco Invoice to a new customer, we’ll automatically save their invoicing details for future convenience. You can view, add, or edit all your Invoice customers in the Business Portal here or go to ‘Manage my Store’ in the left hand menu, followed by ‘Customers’.

How do I send Invoices to my customers?

Invoices can be sent via SMS and email (for now).

How do customers pay for the Invoices?

Customers can pay for their invoice, by clicking on the payment link attached to the invoice, or by scanning the QR code on the invoice. They’ll get taken to an online payment page, where they can pay with their Visa or Mastercard cards. Customers also have the option to pay using instant EFT, cash, or any other payment method you prefer.

How do I get paid?

All online payments are linked to your existing Yoco Profile, and you’ll get paid out as per our normal payout schedule of 2-3 business days. Find out more about payouts here.

Can I offer discounts on my Invoice?

Yes, you can offer your customers discounts via a percentage (%) or a flat Rand amount. When creating your invoice and adding the line item, select the ‘Discount’ (plus) button at the bottom of the page. The discount will also be displayed on the invoice.

Can I process refunds?

Refunds on Invoice payments are not yet available. In the meantime, we recommend doing an EFT to your customer’s bank account.

How do my customers pay using Instant EFT?

When your customer clicks on your unique link in the invoice to pay, they’ll be able to choose to make payment using Yoco Instant EFT and will be prompted with the following steps:

Step 1: Select Instant EFT


Step 2: Select bank

Step 3: Select which Linked Account to use

Step 4: Payment successful

Instant EFT, similar to other instant EFT payment products on the South African market, gives online customers access to their internet banking to make an Electronic Funds Transfer that gets instantly verified. Instant EFT is integrated with major banks in South Africa enabling access for 95%+ of users. Instant EFTs incur a fee of 2% ex VAT.

Tracking my Invoice payments and customers

How will I track sent Invoices?

All sent invoices are logged under the ‘Sent Invoices’ tab on your ‘Invoices’ dashboard. When you click on the ‘Send’ tab in the Yoco App, select ‘Invoices’ and select the ‘Sent Invoices’ tab, you’ll see a list of all your invoices arranged by date, each with a status. An invoice can either be ‘Paid’, ‘Unpaid’, or ‘Unpaid and Overdue’. You can filter invoices by status on this page too.

When you select an ‘Unpaid Invoice’, you have the option to resend it to your customer as a reminder – simply click on the three dots in the top right corner of the ‘Invoice Details’ page.

How will I track payments made on Invoices?

Payments made using the payment link attached to your invoice will reflect in your Yoco available balance, as soon as your customer pays. You’ll also receive an instant notification. These payments will then be settled into your bank account as part of your normal payouts - learn more here.

If a payment is made using any other payment method, like EFT or cash, you’ll need to manually mark that invoice as paid. To do this in the Yoco App, click on ‘Invoices’, and select ‘Sent’. Select the invoice that was paid (not using the Yoco Payment Link), then click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select 'Mark As Paid.'

Yoco Invoice payments made using the Payment Link attached to the invoice will appear in your ’Sales History’ in the Yoco App or Business Portal. Any other types of payments will only reflect on the invoice itself, and not in your ’Sales History’.

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