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Your Reports: Sales History
Your Reports: Sales History
Updated over a week ago

We’ve recently released the new (and improved) Yoco Web App to replace the original Yoco Business Portal!

If you haven’t yet made the switch, and are still using the old Business Portal to manage your profile, get the original Sales History guide here.

Viewing your Sales History

To get a thorough overview of your sales history - and gain some amazing insights - log in to your Yoco profile via the Yoco Web App, visit the Sales tab and click on the Sales History widget. You'll be presented with a detailed table of your sales.

Your sales history allows you to view the following, based on date ranges that you will set:

  • Sales by payment method

  • Sales by products

  • Sales by staff

  • Sales by status

💡 Note: All of your Yoco sales will appear in your sales history.

The sales history table provides information at a glance including time, payment method, status, notes and the amount of the sale.

Viewing and using your sale details

Once you've located the sale you want to view, clicking on it opens up a more detailed view of that specific sale.

Here can also perform certain actions (if you have the permission to do so):

  1. Perform a refund

    You can issue refunds from the detailed view of a sale by selecting the Refund button at the top of your sales detail page. If there isn't a refund button, this means that this type of transaction can't be refunded.

    Confirm that you'd like to proceed, and select a reason for the refund before completing your request. Note: Refunds can't be undone after this point.

    Once your refund has been issued, you can still view the original transaction, and the refunded transaction will receive the refund approved status once successfully processed.

    Learn more about refunds with Yoco here.

  2. Re-send a receipt
    You can send as many receipts for a sale as you like, by selecting the Send receipt button at the top of your sales detail page. First, you'll see a preview of the receipt to confirm with the Send receipt button.

    You'll then be asked to enter the mobile number or email address you'd like to send the receipt to. And that's it!

    Learn more about customising your Yoco receipts here.

  3. Add a sales note

    Add or edit a sales note by clicking the Edit note button. Be sure to click the “Save” button before closing this page.

    Learn more about using Yoco Sales Notes HERE.

What to do if your sales history won’t load (network)

If your sales history won’t load you should first check your internet connection and confirm that you are able to browse the internet elsewhere. If the problem persists once you have confirmed a working internet connection please contact support.

Searching for a specific sale using the search bar

Sales history provides useful search functionality on both the Yoco Web App and Yoco POS App experiences. Simply start typing the amount, note, receipt number or the last four digits of the card used for payment of the sale and the results will be presented.

Searching for a specific sale by using filters

Using the filters provided you are able to show only specific sales that you wish to see. You can do this by selecting the relevant filter and waiting for the table to show the relevant information.

  1. Date

  2. Payment type

  3. Payment status

  4. Products

  5. Staff

Exporting sales history

You can export all your transactions from the Yoco Web App and open it in Excel. In most cases, you can simply double click the CSV to open it in Excel.

Step 1: Visit the Sales tab and click on the sales history widget.

In the top right corner of the screen you will see the download icon. Click on this icon.

Step 2: Choose the file type and click the download button

Select either an Excel or CSV file.

If the columns don't display correctly, then you'll need to follow the these steps:

If the columns don't display correctly, then you'll need to follow the these steps:

  1. Select File, then Import.

  2. Select CSV File.

  3. Ensure that Delimited is selected and not Fixed width. Select Next.

  4. Make sure that Semicolon is selected.

  5. Select Finish. If you're asked where to insert the data, select New sheet.

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