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Yoco Products: User Guide
Updated over a week ago

We’ve recently released a new (and improved) Yoco Web App to replace the Yoco Business Portal. If you haven’t yet made the switch, you can still find details on using the original Yoco Business Portal below...

To join the future with us, find out about the new Yoco Web App here.

Create a catalogue of all the products you sell from the App or Portal here. When using a Khumo card machine or the Yoco POS to tally up a sale or order with a connected card machine, you can quickly tap to add your products to the bill, before taking payment. Not only will this make your checkout process faster and smoother, you’ll get more detailed reporting from the Dashboard, and be able to track the performance of individual products and categories too.

You can group and arrange the products you sell into brands and categories. This makes your catalogue easier to search, and unlocks better stock and product tracking.

When to use brands or categories? This depends on your products - For example, coffee can be bought from various brands such as Rosetta, Origin, Truth and Deluxe. But those same coffees can also be diversified into categories such as americano, espresso, latte and more; You could sell a range of sneakers only from Nike (the brand), but categorise them according to edition and style.

Setting up your brands

You can create and add brands directly on the Yoco POS or via the Business Portal.

From the Yoco POS App (tablet)

  1. Select More, from the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select Brands and Categories and select Add.

  3. Select Add brand and enter a name for the brand that you'd like to add.

  4. On the tile preview section, select Edit Tile Appearance: Choose a background colour for the brand tile and select the tile appearance.

    There are three options available:

    1. Text - Which displays text on the brand tile (max 4 characters)

    2. Icon - This allows you to choose and display an icon on the brand tile

    3. Image - This allows you to choose an image for your brand tile, either from your mobile phone gallery or by taking a photo.

  5. Once you've chosen your tile appearance, select Done top right.

  6. Then select Add brand bottom right.

The brand you've created will now display under the list of brands in the main Brands and Categories screen.

From the Business Portal (any device with a web browser)

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Manage My Store and select Brands and Categories from the panel of options on the left hand side of the screen.

  3. Select + Add top right, and then Add Brand.​

  4. A panel will open from the right. First, enter a name for your brand and select a background colour for your brand tile.

  5. Select the tile appearance. There are three options available:

    1. Abbreviation - Which displays text on the brand tile (max 2 characters)

    2. Icon - Which allows you to choose and display an icon on the brand tile.

    3. Image - Which allows you to choose an image for your brand tile from the image gallery on your computer.

  6. Once you've chosen your tile appearance, you can add products to your brand (if you've created them already".

  7. When you're done, select Add bottom right.

    The brand you've created will now display under the list of brands under the Brands tab on the main Brands and Categories screen.

Setting up your categories

You can create and add categories on the Yoco POS or via the Business Portal.

From the Yoco POS App (tablet)

  1. Select More, from the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select Brands and Categories and select Add.

  3. Select Add category and enter a name for the category that you'd like to add.

  4. On the tile preview section, select Edit Tile Appearance: Choose a background colour for the category tile and select the tile appearance.

    There are three options available:

    1. Text - Which displays text on the category tile (max 4 characters)

    2. Icon - This allows you to choose and display an icon on the category tile

    3. Image - This allows you to choose an image for your category tile, either from your mobile phone gallery or by taking a photo.

  5. Once you've chosen your tile appearance, select Done top right and then select Add category bottom right.

The category you've created will now display under the list of categories in the main Brands and Categories screen.

From the Business Portal (any device with a web browser)

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Manage My Store and select Brands and Categories from the panel of options on the left hand side of the screen.

  3. Select + Add top right, and then Add category.

  4. A panel will open from the right. First, enter a name for your category. If you'd like to get more detailed, you can also add categories to other parent categories.

  5. Next, select a background colour for your category tile and select the tile appearance. There are three options available:

    1. Abbreviation - Which displays text on the category tile (max 2 characters)​

    2. Icon - This allows you to choose and display an icon on the category tile.

    3. Image - This allows you to choose an image for your category tile from the image gallery on your computer.

  6. Once you've chosen your tile appearance, you can add products to your category (if you've already created them).

  7. When you're done, select Add bottom right.

  8. The category you've created will now display under the list of categories under the categories tab on the main Brands and Categories screen.

Editing your categories

Once you've set up all your categories, you can easily edit them, or even delete them. Here's how.

From the Yoco POS App (tablet)

  1. Log in to the Yoco POS App

  2. Select More, from the navigation bar at the bottom and select Brands and Categories.

  3. Select the one you'd like to edit from the list of categories.

  4. Edit either the name, or tile appearance, or add a product to your category, and then select SAVE.

From the Business Portal​ (any device with a web browser)

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Manage My Store and select Products

  3. From your list of products, select the one that you'd like to edit.

  4. Edit either the name, the price, the tax, or the description; change the brand or category; edit your tile design; edit the SKU or default cost; edit your variants and then select Save.

Setting up your product catalogue

You can easily add and arrange the products you sell on the Yoco POS App or via the online Business Portal.

Adding products to your Yoco POS

From the Yoco POS App

  1. Select More, from the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Select Products and select Add.

  3. On the Add a product screen, enter a name for your product, the price, the Default cost price, select the tax applicable to your business, add a description if you want to, and add your product to a brand or category.

  4. Select Advanced options. On the pop up, toggle if you'd like the app to ask for price when adding product, to ask for quantity when adding product, the default quantity when prompting for quality, and whether you'd like to enter quantity units. Select Done when complete.

  5. On the Icon Design section, select Edit Tile Appearance: Choose a background colour for the product tile and select the tile appearance. There are three options available:

    1. Text - Which displays text on the product tile (max 4 characters)

    2. Icon - This allows you to choose and display an icon on the product tile

    3. Image - This allows you to choose an image for your product tile, either from your mobile phone gallery or by taking a photo.

    Once you've chosen your tile appearance, select Done top right.

  6. For stock purposes, either select a product code (SKU) and the default cost price of the product. If you do not enter an SKU, we'll autogenerate one for you when you create your product.

    Turn on the Enable stock tracking for this product, if you'd like to keep track of your stock.

  7. Under variants, add a name for your variant (eg. size), add attribute values (eg. Small, Medium and Large), and then select Save.

  8. Configure your variations by entering the price for each variant.

  9. Select Add product to complete.

    The product you've created will now display under your list of products. They will also appear when creating a sale on your POS.

From the Yoco Business Portal Portal

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Manage My Store and select Products from the panel of options on the left hand side of the screen.

  3. On the Products page, select + Add Product top right.

  4. A panel will open from the right. Enter a name for your product, the price, select the tax applicable to your business, add a description if you want to, and add your product to a brand or category.

  5. Select Advanced options. On the pop up, toggle if you'd like the app to ask for price when adding product, to ask for quantity when adding product, the default quantity when prompting for quality, and whether you'd like to enter quantity units. Select Done when complete.

  6. Next, select a background colour for your product tile. Then, select the tile appearance. There are three options available:

    1. Abbreviation - Which displays text on the product tile (max 2 characters)

    2. Icon - This allows you to choose and display an icon on the product tile.

    3. Image - This allows you to choose an image for your product tile from the image gallery on your computer.

  7. For stock purposes, either select a product code (SKU) and the default cost price of the product. If you do not enter an SKU, we'll autogenerate one for you when you create your product.

    Turn on the Enable stock tracking, if you'd like to keep track of your stock.

  8. Under variants, add a name for your variant (eg. size), add attribute values (eg. Small, Medium and Large), and enter a price for your different attributes.

  9. When you're done, select Add bottom right.

    The product you've created will now display under the list of products on the Products screen. They will also appear when creating a sale on your POS.

Editing your products

Once you've set up all your products, you can easily edit them, or even delete them. Here's how.

From the Yoco POS App (tablet)

  1. Select More, from the navigation bar at the bottom.

  2. Select Products.

  3. Select the one you'd like to edit from the list of products.

  4. Edit either the name, price, tax, description, brand or product category; or the tile appearance; or edit any of your stock settings or variants, and then select Save.

From the Business Portal (any device with a web browser)

  1. Log in to your Business Portal

  2. Select Manage My Store

  3. Select Products

  4. From your list of products, select the one that you'd like to edit.

  5. Edit either the name, the price, the tax, or the description; change the brand or category; edit your tile design; edit the SKU or default cost; edit your variants and then select Save.

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