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Yoco Khumo & Print: Tools User Guide
Yoco Khumo & Print: Tools User Guide
Updated over a week ago

Managing your Khumo Tools

Please note: Disabling a tool won’t delete any of your Products or Staff from your Yoco Mobile or Web App, it just removes the feature from all your Khumo devices, for as long or short as you like. Enabling and setting up a tool on one of your Khumo devices will automatically install it on all your other Khumos. Yep, so smart! Only Business Owners, Managers, and Staff with permission to manage Products, Collections, and Storefronts will be able to enable or disable tools.

Managing your Yoco Tools means you can use Staff Switching and Products on all your Khumo devices.

How to Enable / Disable Khumo Tools

1. Select ‘Manage’ to enable or disable tools.

2. The different Tools (currently) available are ‘Products', ‘Staff switching', and ‘Tips’.

3. Click on ‘Enable’ to activate the tool you’d like to manage.

4. All the Tools you’ve enabled, will be listed under your ‘Tools’ menu.

To Remove Tools:

Go to ‘Tools’ → ‘Manage’ and click on ‘Disable’ to deactivate that Tool on all your Khumo devices, at any time.

Cash payments with Yoco Khumo

Keep track of all the sales by recording cash sales on your Khumo and Khumo Print.

Once you've enabled Cash on your Khumo (above), every time you Charge a customer, you’ll be able to indicate whether your customer is paying by card or cash.

To record a cash payment, tap on Cash, then insert the amount of cash received and tap on Pay. The amount of change owed will be calculated automatically. You’ll be able to send a receipt for a cash payment to your customer via SMS or email.

Cash payments will also be listed in sales History, where you’ll be able to filter transactions by payment type.

You can record a Refund for a cash payment by following the refund process. Find out more here.

💡 Important to note:

  1. Cash refunds are not processed by Yoco. Cash refunds are only recorded in your sales history for recon purposes.

  2. If you have multiple Yoco Khumo's assigned to your business, you only need to activate the cash feature on one of them. Doing that will activate the feature on all of them.

  3. Printing of receipts for cash payments is not available on the Khumo Print devices.

Staff Switching for Yoco Khumo

The Khumo’s Staff Switching feature makes it easy to securely change over between different staff members or users. Now you can track who's using Khumo when, and quickly assign sales to staff for day-end recon. You can set up all the details for your staff members from the Yoco Mobile/Web App.

Important to Note

  1. The configuration and setup (creating, editing and deleting) of staff members is done from the Yoco Mobile/Web App (Check out how to add a staff member here).

  2. When Staff Switching is activated on your Khumo device, all your Staff Profiles and any changes made in the Mobile/Web App, will automatically update and reflect on your Khumo.

  3. If you have multiple Khumo devices assigned to your business and you have enabled staff for 1 of them, staff will be enabled for the entire business across all devices.

Using Staff Switching

Remember to enable staff switching on your Khumo. Go to 'Tools' → ‘Manage’ → ‘Staff’.

Use the Yoco Mobile or Web App to set up, configure access, and manage your staff profiles.

On the Yoco Mobile/Web App, you can keep track of who is transacting with your card machines, how much they’re selling, and view their sales details.

You can add and manage your staff’s access to the Yoco card machines easily, via the Yoco Mobile/Web App here.

How to Add a Staff Member

  1. Log in to your Yoco Mobile/ Web App here.

  2. Select the Manage Tab from the menu on the left of your screen.

  3. Select the Staff tile.

  4. To invite a staff member, select + New Staff Member.

  5. A form will open: Select Choose next to the User Type (the role and permissions that you want to assign to the staff member).

    💡 You can customise the permissions for staff members in the User type settings, by choosing either from preset categories (like Administrator, Manager, Staff member or Supervisor) or customising their permission settings to the tasks they need to perform in the business.

  6. Enter your staff member's first name, last name, email address, and mobile number and hit the Save button.

  7. Set a PIN for staff switching on your Yoco card machine(s) and/or POS App.

  8. Select Save.

    💡 Your staff member will now receive an email from Yoco, with a secure link to create their login password. Please ask them to check their inbox to complete the process.

More about permission settings

💡 You can customise the permissions for staff members in the User type settings, by choosing either from preset categories (like Administrator, Manager, Staff member or Supervisor) or customising their permission settings based on the tasks they need to perform.

These are all the different access permission options which you can tailor to your team’s needs.

User types and what they can do on your Yoco business profile:

Administrator (Can do everything the profile owner can do!)

Make sales: Make card and cash sales and view a history of their own transactions.

View all transactions: View all sales, refunds, errors & aborted transactions in the business profile.

Refund their own last sale: Reverse their last sale made in case of accidental charge.

Refund any sale: Refund any sale they are allowed to view.

Assign sales: Assign sales to another staff member during a transaction.

Re-assign past sales: Re-assign any sale they are allowed to view, to another staff member.

View sales totals: View daily sales totals in the sales history.

Manage products: Add, edit and remove products from the business profile.

Manage staff: Add, edit and remove staff from the business profile.

View financials: View your Yoco balance and payout amounts.

Manage business settings: Change bank details & business settings such as payment methods.

Manage reports: Configure, add or remove users from reports.

Manage external printers: Add or remove external printers paired to the Yoco App.

Manager (Make sales and manage settings related to selling)

Make sales: Make card and cash sales and view a history of their own transactions.

View all transactions: View all sales, refunds, errors & aborted transactions in the business profile.

Refund their own last sale: Reverse their last sale made in case of accidental charge.

Refund any sale: Refund any sale they are allowed to view.

Assign sales: Assign sales to another staff member during a transaction.

View sales totals: View daily sales totals in the sales history.

Manage products: Add, edit and remove products from the business profile.

Manage staff: Add, edit and remove staff from the business profile.

Manage external printers: Add or remove external printers paired to the Yoco App.

Staff member (Limited to making sales, correcting for accidental charge and viewing own sales totals)

Make sales: Make card and cash sales and view a history of their own transactions.

Refund their own last sale: Reverse their last sale made in case of accidental charge.

Assign sales: Assign sales to another staff member during a transaction.

View sales totals: View daily sales totals in the sales history.

Supervisor (Can perform sales management tasks, but not update products or staff settings)

Make sales: Make card and cash sales and view a history of their own transactions.

View all transactions: View all sales, refunds, errors & aborted transactions in the business profile.

Refund their own last sale: Reverse their last sale made in case of accidental charge.

Refund any sale: Refund any sale they are allowed to view.

Assign sales: Assign sales to another staff member during a transaction.

View sales totals: View daily sales totals in the sales history.

Manage external printers: Add or remove external printers paired to the Yoco App.

Custom permissions (Any combination)

Customise your permission for each individual if you’d like, by selecting any combination of the different access options above.

You can also get insights about your staff performance, by going to the Hub tab and selecting the Staff report tile.

Here, you can select the timeframe you’d like to analyse for insights by choosing Today, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, This week, This mont or a Custom date range.

Switching users on the Khumo

To switch between different staff members using the Khumo, tap on 'Switch user ' on the top of your screen.

A list will drop down, with all the staff profiles you created on the Yoco Mobile App. Select the new user from the list.

The new user will be asked to enter their PIN or password (if a PIN hasn’t been created). PINs are created when adding a new staff member profile.

And you’re ready to go! Now your Khumo also keeps track of everything the new user gets up to, live in the Web and Mobile App.

Staff Switching for Khumo: FAQs

Can I use PINs or Passwords for my staff?

Yes, when you add a staff member, they’ll create a password on accepting the invite. You can also set up a PIN for each user, on the Yoco Mobile or Web App.

Will the same staff permissions apply to the Khumo?

Yes, all your staff permission settings on the Yoco Mobile or Web App will be applied to your Khumo device(s).

Using Products and Yoco Khumo


  1. The configuration and setup (creating, editing and deleting) of products is done on the Yoco Mobile or Web App. (Check out more on how to add products to your store here).

  2. If you have multiple Khumo devices assigned to your business and you have enabled products for 1 of them, products will be enabled for the entire business across all devices

Configuring Products on your Kumo

  1. Remember to enable Products on your Khumo (above). Go to 'Tools' → ‘Manage’ → ‘Products’.

  2. Use the Yoco Mobile or Web App to set up, configure, and manage your products.

Get the guide to adding and managing your Products here.

Using Products on your Khumo

Every time you create a ‘New sale’, you can also choose whether you want to pick products from your catalogue, or enter a custom amount to the bill.

new sale 1.png

To add a custom amount, tap on the round, black terminal icon in the bottom left corner of the ‘New sale’ screen. You’ll then be able to tailor your sale using the keypad.

You can add any of the products on your list to your customer’s basket.

Product 1.png

Plus, you can use both items from your product list and custom amounts on the same bill. Whatever works best for you, Khumo’s got it covered.

Order 1.png

Yoco Products: FAQs

If I have stock tracking activated on the Yoco Mobile or Web App, will it still track stock when I make sales on my Khumo device(s)?

Yes, you can add, edit and update stock on the Yoco Mobile or Web App as per usual, and your Khumo sales will automatically be included in keeping those numbers updated, live.​

​How do I turn off the product view if I don’t want to use it anymore?

Simply go to Tools → Manage → ‘Products’, and then click ’Remove’. It won’t delete any of your products from your Yoco Mobile or Web App, it’ll only deactivate Products on all your Khumo devices.

Discounts on Products

To give a lucky customer a discount on their entire basket, tap on the ‘Discount’ option at the bottom of the ‘Order’ screen. You’ll either enter a custom percentage, use a predefined discount percentage, or enter a custom discount amount.

Order 2.png

You can also discount individual items on the bill, by selecting the three vertical dots to the right of the item, and tapping ‘Add discount’. You’ll then have the same selection of discount options to apply to just that item, without affecting the rest of the basket.


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