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Yoco Payment Gateway: User Guide
Updated over a week ago

Ready to integrate Yoco Payment Gateway with your hosting platform? We’re here to help you navigate the process!

Getting started with Yoco Payment Gateway

Before trying to integrate Yoco with your hosting platform, click on the relevant link below to understand what your specific journey will look like.

API keys

An API key is a unique code used to identify and authenticate users, developers or applications trying to access an application programming interface or API (in this case, the Yoco Checkout API). API keys form an integral part of setting up the secure payment gateway integration on your website. Here’s a quick look at three API keys you’ll come across.

1. Test keys

Test keys allows you to safely test the integration of the Yoco Payment Gateway on your website. They can be used with test cards (details are provided in the Yoco App) to complete transactions where no money changes hands.

💡 Only test cards work in Test mode. Test transactions won't appear in the Yoco App.

2. Live keys

Start using live keys as soon as you’ve finished testing and are ready to switch to Live mode and start accepting real transactions from customers.

💡 Only real credit cards can be used with live keys.

3. Public and secret keys

In Test and Live mode, we provide two keys – a public key and a secret key. The public key is like your ID number; it’s unique to you and is only visible to others under certain circumstances. The secret key is like a password; it should never be revealed and should be securely stored on your server. Depending on the integration requirements of your chosen platform (e.g. WooCommerce, Wix, API integration etc.), both keys must be entered for the integration to succeed.

Accessing API keys for integration

Please note: Shopify users don’t need API Keys for the Yoco Payment plugin.

To obtain your API keys, log in to the Yoco App, head to the ‘Sales’ tab and click on the ‘Payment Gateway’ tile.

Need help getting set up? Refer to our troubleshooting guide.

Reconciling your online transactions with Yoco Payouts

Keeping accurate, up-to-date financial records is critical to your business success. Here’s how to match your Checkout API payments to your daily Yoco Payouts using the Yoco App's Export feature.

Step 1: Keep your Checkout ID

Make a note of the checkout ID that’s provided when you create a checkout with the Checkout API – you’ll need it for reconciling your transactions with your daily payouts.

Step 2: View your payouts

The Yoco Web App lets you view your Yoco payouts and payout records, track your next payout, and export your payout history for accounting purposes. It also allows you to select individual payouts and view the individual card transactions included in the settlement amount.

Click here for more on how Yoco fees, balance and payouts work together.

Step 3: Choose the payout to reconcile

Click on the payout you’d like to reconcile and you’ll be directed to the Payout Details page.

Step 4: Export the payout records

On the Payouts history page (in the Money tab), filter your records by date, payout status and payout type to identify the payouts you wish to reconcile. Once you’ve singled out the ones you want, click on the download icon in the top right corner of your screen.

💡 Your payout records will download to your computer in .CSV format – you’ll find them in your Downloads folder.

Step 5: Match transactions with payouts

  1. Open the downloaded file.

  2. Look for the ‘Online Reference’ column which contains unique IDs (for example, ch_ngopqZ91r65hl8Osp2IPDrxB) for each payment.

  3. Use this ID to cross-reference and match the successful transactions.

Step 6: Reconcile your processed payments

  1. Refer to the payout report, which only includes successful transactions that have been paid out or subtracted for refunds.

  2. For each transaction, check whether the ‘Online Reference’ in the payout report matches the Checkout ID provided by the API response data.

  3. If there’s a match, mark the transaction as successfully reconciled.

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