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Yoco Payment Gateway: User Guide
Updated over a week ago

We’ve recently released the new (and improved) Yoco Web App to replace the original Yoco Business Portal!

If you haven’t yet made the switch, and are still using the old Business Portal to manage your profile, get the original Gateway User Guide here.

The exact steps for payment gateway integration will depend on the website or hosting platform you’re using. However, there are several common steps, and we’ve broken down specific steps for each of our integration partners.

Get started using Yoco Payment Gateway for your website

The first step, is understanding how the web platform you’re using will affect the process, and being ready to navigate your settings:

API keys:

Shopify users don’t need to use API Keys for their Yoco plugin.

You can get your API keys by logging into your Yoco Web App here. Go to the Sales tab and click on the Payment Gateway tile.

An API key is a code used to identify and authenticate an application or user. They also act as a unique identifier and provide a secret token for authentication purposes. They form an integral part of setting up your secure payment gateway integration on your website.

Test keys

Test keys are for safely testing out how the integration of Yoco payment gateway works on your website. You can test out transactions without any actual money changing hands.

Test keys can only be used with the test card details, also provided in your Portal — real credit cards won't work in test mode! And, these test transactions won't appear in the Portal.

Live keys

Live keys are for when all your testing is complete, and you’re ready to take real transactions from real customers. When you’re ready to go live, swap to using Live keys.

💡 You can only use real credit cards with live keys - test cards won’t work.

Public and Secret Keys:

For both Test and Live mode, we provide a public key and a secret key. You’ll have to enter both for the integration to work. You can think of the public key almost like your ID number. It's only visible to others under certain circumstances and is unique to you. But the secret key is like a password that no-one else should ever see, and should be securely stored on your server.

Struggling to get set up? Check out our troubleshooting guide here.

Reconciling your online transactions with Yoco Payouts

Matching your Checkout API payments with daily Yoco payouts is essential for accurate financial records. Here's how to do this using Yoco Portal's Export feature, making sure all your successful transactions are correctly recorded.

Step 1: Keep your Checkout ID

When creating a checkout using the Checkout API, make sure to keep the checkout ID that will have been provided in the response. You'll need this ID later for reconciling your transactions with your daily payouts.

Step 2: Go check out your payouts

You can view all your Yoco Payouts on the Yoco Web App. Here, you can see all your payout records and track when your next payout will be settled. Your payout history can be exported for your own records for accounting, and you can also click on each individual payout to see a list of the individual card transactions that were included in that particular settlement amount.

More details about how Yoco fees, balance and payouts work together here.

Step 3: Choose the payout to reconcile

Select the specific payout you want to reconcile by clicking on it. You'll then be directed to the payout details page.

Step 4: Export the payout records

From your Payouts history page in the Money tab, you can choose to download a record of any of your payouts by selecting the date or date range, filtering by payout status or payout type. Once you've filtered your records to narrow in on the payouts you want to reconcile, click on the download icon in the top right corner of your screen.

💡 Your payout records will be downloaded in CSV. format on your computer, where you can access it from your Downloads folder.

Step 5: Match transactions with payouts

  1. Once the download is complete, you can open the file.

  2. In the exported file, you'll see various columns containing payment information, including the "Online Reference" column.

  3. The "Online Reference" column contains unique IDs for each payment.
    For example, "ch_ngopqZ91r65hl8Osp2IPDrxB."

  4. Use this ID to cross-reference and match the successful transactions.

Step 6: Reconciliation

  1. Refer to the payout report, which will only include successful transactions that have been either paid out or subtracted for refunds.

  2. For each transaction, check if the "Online Reference" in the payout report matches to the Checkout ID provided by the API response data.

  3. If there is a match, mark the transaction as successfully reconciled.

By following these steps, you can successfully reconcile your processed payments against your daily payout, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

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